How to Build a Tiered Link Building Strategy? - Smarter Digital Marketing

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How to Build a Tiered Link Building Strategy? – Smarter Digital Marketing

Are you confused by the plethora of SEO methods and practices available? We’ll all get there eventually. You may use a variety of SEO tactics to improve page rankings for specific pages. Here, we’ll talk about the advantages of link-building, what it can do for your websites, and how to create a tiered link-building strategy now. Backlinks are a crucial ranking element in Google’s PageRank algorithm, as you may know, and utilising them to your advantage may speed up your SEO approach and improve your results. Let’s take a closer look.

What Exactly Is Tiered Link Building?

Tiered link-building is a technique for increasing the SEO value of existing connections by developing backlinks for your backlinks. That may appear perplexing at first, but we’ll guide you through it. To begin, what exactly is a backlink? It’s merely a link from one website’s page to another. You have a backlink from someone who connects to your website.

Consider this scenario: you obtain a backlink from a guest post article you wrote for a well-known industry site. Then you respond to a query from another member on a forum site and include a link to your guest post for further information on the issue. It is where you’ve generated a second-tier link. And this is called making a “link pyramid”. In short, tiered link building is the process of obtaining links to your website from a variety of sources. Tiered link building was formerly a widespread Black Hat SEO practice for artificially inflating the ranks of specific pages. However, many Black Hat tactics have been removed as a result of recent modifications in Google’s algorithm, which has provided a tremendous boost to the tiered link building practice.

4 Kinds Of Tiers

There is a science behind tiered link building when it comes to tiered link building. In this method, each tier is used distinctly. Let’s have a closer look.

1. Tier One 

Your tier-one links should be of the most excellent quality. These are the hyperlinks that go back to your site. It’s preferable to maintain these linkages as natural as possible, and there should be roughly 50 of them.

On this level, avoid using automation. Guest blogging opportunities, press releases, corporate social profiles, directories, and reviews will provide tier-one connections. It’s critical to ensure that the website’s content is relevant to your sector.

2. Tier Two

These backlinks may be of poorer quality than those in the previous tier. The volume takes precedence in this category, while quality and relevance take a backseat. These links can be made spontaneously or with the help of strategic automation technology. Try to keep your tier-two links under 50–100. This tier comprises mostly of web 2.0 articles that have been spun and disseminated across many web 2.0 domains. 

End-user-friendly sites that emphasise user-generated content, ease-of-use, and user interaction are known as Web 2.0 sites. A very authoritative profile link, which includes adding URLs to personal, professional, or company profiles that you may construct on numerous websites, is another sort of link observed in this tier.

3. Tier Three

You may begin to push the boundaries a little further now that you’ve removed a few tiers from your site. You shouldn’t be concerned about quality at this level of your tiered link-building strategy. These links are on the verge of becoming spam.

Unless you’re ready to spend a lot of money on a team of virtual assistants, finding a natural way to scale these linkages is nearly hard. At this point, automation is nearly a need. In general, your tier-twos should have 300–500 links going back to them. Profile links, directories, and forum links are all included in this list.

What Are the Advantage And Disadvantage Of Tiered Link Building?

Tiered link-building may be a strong technique for improving your search engine rating, but it comes with its own set of disadvantages. We’ll go over why you should use tiered link-building in your SEO plan, as well as how to prevent common errors.

SEO Advantages Of Tiered Link Building

Creating many levels of backlinks increases the amount of “SEO juice” available to each tier of links. Tier one gets juice from tier two, and tier two gets juice from tier three, and so forth. This provides a battery-like super-charge, with your target page finally receiving all of the extra power. Isn’t that exciting?

Long-tail keywords can also benefit from tiered link building. When you optimise several backlinks for long-tail terms that ultimately go back to the site, Google will identify the significance of these long-tail keywords for the sites you’re targeting. When establishing your keyword ranks, this is taken into account.

Tiered linking is a high-reward, low-risk method. It’s worth noting that if Google ever determines that you’re employing black-hat link-building tactics, you can simply remove the link from your tier-one links. By doing so, you’ll be able to sever the link with any unfavourable SEO. By the next ranking update, your ranks should be back to normal.

Disadvantages Of Tiered Link Building 

Now, this may appear to be a daunting process, and waiting for these links to appear spontaneously might take an eternity. However, if done right, your content rankings will begin to increase. Remember that automated link building is considered manipulation of Google’s algorithm, so you must pay great attention to and monitor the connections you’re establishing. Otherwise, if you’re not cautious, this might have a detrimental influence on your SEO.

But don’t be afraid. You may utilise SEO backlink-building software to automate the process of creating these connections, which can help you avoid a Google penalty. Monitor Backlinks, for example, may help you establish fantastic links, watch keyword rankings over time, monitor your brand and build connections with influencers, recover important lost links, and recover valuable lost links.

The purpose of tiered link-building is to replicate what occurs to highly authoritative content after it begins to rank well in Google and is recognised as a valuable resource for users. Tiered linking only mimics what happens when good information spreads at a quicker rate and in greater quantities.

You will notice excellent results in your keyword rankings for target sites if you are diligent and adopt link-building best practices.

When Should You Consider Tiered Link Building?

Tiered link-building is a grey-hat SEO strategy that has been around for a long time. Google has gotten so good at detecting link-building schemes that fooling the algorithm now takes a lot of effort. Some black-hat SEO experts now advise creating five to ten tiers of backlinks with only the best PBNs and the strictest automation settings. To put it another way, creating an acceptable fake backlink profile is now almost as complex as creating a real one. However, there are several situations where tiering links makes sense:

10 Tiered Link Building Strategies

1. Use Guest Blogging In A Strategic Way

The traditional method of mass guest posting just for the sake of gaining links is no longer viable. To achieve a backlink, you don’t want to submit an article on a site that isn’t relevant to your subject and has no authority. That kind of guest posting isn’t going to cut it. The search engines are sophisticated, and they can tell if you’re not guest posting for the purpose of adding value.

You must be strategic and sincere if you want to gain the benefits of guest writing. Make sure you’re writing something unique for the other site (like a case study) and that it’s relevant, authoritative, and appealing to your target audience. You’ll reap the benefits of improved rankings, greater traffic, and qualified leads if you guest blog selectively.

2. Develop And Disseminate Infographics

Infographics are still effective today and may be an important part of your link-building strategy. The benefit of infographics is that they will continue to drive organic traffic to your blog and earn you great links without you having to ask for them. Furthermore, posts that use infographics receive 178 per cent more links. As a result, making infographics is a link-building strategy you can’t afford to overlook.

3. Participate In Social Media

Social media has transformed marketing, and it may be a tremendous help with your link-building strategy and guest-posting efforts. You’re doing your brand a disservice if you’re not active on social media. Share fresh posts, photographs, and updates to become more active. By publishing it in more places on social media, you may make it easier for your followers to locate what they want to see.

Even if you’re new to social media, you may quickly increase engagement by being more active. As a result, more individuals will be exposed to your brand and site, and they will be more likely to share your finest pieces with their target audience. This will boost your overall visibility and improve your link profile.

4. Make Use Of Resource Links From Reputable Websites

It’s time to begin utilising resource connections from reputable websites. A resource is similar to a handbook that you write or assemble for your target market. Forbes, Huffington Post, and Social Media Examiner all provide resource pages that you may use as you create yours. Visitors will be able to locate what they’re seeking more quickly if a primary site in your sector has prepared a list of blogs in your business.

5. Use the Broken Links Strategy

If you’re too busy to generate material for your blog or a guest post, the broken link technique can be the ideal option. You have a limited amount of time to generate content as a busy marketer. One of the reasons many B2C content marketers fail to develop intriguing content for their clients is this.

What is the process of fixing broken links? Find dead links (links that no longer work) on blog sites and recommend replacing them with links to relevant information on your site. If you linked to a specific web page from your blog and discovered that the links were dead, you could easily replace it with a more relevant and valuable resource. If you own that high-value page, you’ve got both SEO juice and a lucrative link on your hands.

6. Examine The Backlinks Of Your Competitors

If your rivals’ search engine rankings are more significant than yours, they may be on the correct route. You are welcome to come as well. Competitive analysis using tools such as Ahrefs is the process of spying on your rivals to determine what keywords they’re ranking for, where their greatest links are coming from, and what they’re doing now to succeed.

7. Replicate The Best Links Of Your Competitors

Now that you know where your rivals’ links came from, you need to figure out how to duplicate their performance. If you notice multiple links from relevant sites, particularly on the author profile, it’s clear that guest blogging is paying off for them.

Your rivals are most likely obtaining connections through outreach and networking if their links come from corporate sites. If their links come from high-value sites like Forbes, Huffington Post, CNN and others, you should assume that a columnist or editor is involved and that this may be a sponsored placement.

8. Established Link Building Roundups

If you want the best links, you must first contribute. Don’t make your postings self-serving by simply connecting to internal pages. Learn how to connect to other relevant blog entries. Link roundups are an effective networking tool and a terrific way to build links. All you have to do is compile a list of other bloggers’ blog postings.

How do you put up a link roundup? To begin, look for blog entries that are related to your issue. For example, if you wanted to generate a list of 50 blogs on headline writing, you could just go to Google and type in: You should also keep an eye on your present link profile and traffic. It’s possible that more bloggers in your field may link to your articles. Start with the blogs that have provided you traffic while producing your roundup pieces.

9. Maintain A List Of Your Backlinks

Most individuals invest time and money in acquiring new links, but they don’t keep track of their progress. How will you know whether to develop additional backlinks or take a break if you don’t track them? You may have over 700 links going to your web pages right now, but some of them may have vanished after 30 to 60 days.

Why? You have no influence over which blogs and authoritative websites link to you. Without telling you, the site owners might easily delete your link from their article or resource page. This is why it’s crucial to keep track of your backlinks.

10. Create Content Pillars

You must write things that make people think if you want them to take your work seriously. Create helpful material that genuinely assists them in accomplishing their goals, and the links will follow. Your web business’s lifeblood is content. You need to offer people a cause to promote you, whether you’re selling information items like e-books or software or tangible things like digital cameras and hard copy books.

The difficulty with developing material is that it must be updated regularly. How often should you update your target audience’s content? Continuously bombarding people with blog posts may not be helpful since it will likely result in information overload.

Level Up Your Link Building

One of the essential criteria in search engine rankings is the link profile of your website. Remember that Google is more concerned with the user experience you provide than with the number of links pointing to your sites.

You employ blogging, social media marketing, SEO, and any other marketing strategies to develop smart and strategic links. The problem is gaining quality, trustworthy, and natural links, not link building. That’s because it’s no longer about the number of links; it’s about the quality. So, adhere to the tiered link-building tactics mentioned, and you’ll do great.

This content was originally published here.