WordPress Developer - LANACO

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WordPress Developer – LANACO

March 13th, 2020,

To our valued business partners and users of products and services,

The LANACO company closely monitors and responds to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic in our country, countries in the region and around the world. Our main priorities are the customer satisfaction and support to our customers and business partners as well as the health and well-being for all people.

We bring together our resources and technology in order to help people affected by this difficult situation. Considering that the COVID-19 is also present in Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Republic of Serbia, where our branch offices are located, we will continue to take precautions and actions in order to protect our employees, following all the protocols and instructions of our healthcare professionals and relevant federal and state agencies. We are in close contact with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as other healthcare organizations, and we have plans and procedures.

Your health and the health of our employees is our priority and we would like to inform you that all LANACO employees and our associates, who do not feel well, will stay at home and all business obligations will be completed electronically.

Our company has created guidance regarding COVID-19 for emergency departures which is already effective and valid for our employees.

Given estimates suggesting the situation caused by the virus will continue in coming weeks, for the safety of all of us, we have cancelled all LANACO public and promotional events in the country, as well as participating in other countries around the world until further notice.

Although we are confident in our ability to meet these challenges, we are now taking steps to ensure greater visibility and transparency regarding meeting our deadlines and delivering our products and services to end users. We will continue to carry out most of our business processes continually, and have also upgraded our remote access system. We emphasize that we have enough spare parts in stock for necessary interventions.

Please send your inquiries to: [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding and all activities you do during this difficult time.

We truly appreciate your understanding.

Yours faithfully,

LANACO pomno prati i reaguje na pandemiju Corona virusa COVID-19 u našoj zemlji, zemljama regiona i širom svijeta. Naši glavni prioriteti su zadovoljstvo i podrška naših kupaca i partnera, kao i zdravlje i dobrobit svih ljudi.

Mi okupljamo svoje resurse i tehnologiju kako bismo pomogli ljudima koji su pogođeni ovom teškom situacijom. S obzirom da je virus prisutan u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji, gdje se nalaze naše kancelarije, mi ćemo i dalje nastaviti preduzimati mjere predostrožnosti i radnje kako bismo čuvali naše zaposlene, slijedeći protokole naših zdravstvenih stručnjaka i relevantne savezne i državne agencije. U bliskoj smo vezi s centrima za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti, kao i drugim zdravstvenim organizacijama i imamo planove i postupke.

S obzirom na procjene koje ukazuju da će se situacija uzrokovana ovim virusom nastaviti i u narednim sedmicama, radi sigurnosti svih nas otkazali smo sve LANACO javne i promotivne događaje u zemlji, kao i učešće u drugim zemljama svijeta do daljnjeg.

Iako smo sigurni u našu sposobnost da odgovorimo na ove izazove, sada preduzimamo mjere kako bismo osigurali bolju vidljivost i transparentnost u pogledu ispunjavanja naših rokova, te isporuke naših proizvoda i usluga krajnjim korisnicima. Većinu naših poslovnih procesa ćemo nastaviti da izvršavamo u kontinuitetu, a osposobili smo i sistem za daljinske pristupe. Ističemo da na zalihama imamo dovoljno rezervnih dijelova za neophodne intervencije.

Hvala Vam na razumijevanju i na svim aktivnostima koje činite u ovom teškom vremenu.

This content was originally published here.