Quick and Easy Holiday Planning Tips - Xtreme Digital Marketing Services

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Quick and Easy Holiday Planning Tips – Xtreme Digital Marketing Services

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The Holidays……the turkey comes out of the oven golden brown, with an enticing aroma that fills the entire house. All the china is in pristine condition and not a single piece in the set is missing.

The family is gathered for holiday pictures, the children are poised perfectly; hands to themselves, not a hair out of place and their smiles are shining brightly for the camera.

Then just as the photographer is about to capture the shot… you wake up!

Let’s be realistic. Without proper holiday planning, the holidays are anything but a holiday. Just look at the list of things that need to be done…

sending holiday mail,

and the list goes on.

Did I mention shopping? 😉

Here are a few questions that you could ask yourself in order to have a holiday season free of stress and worry, and instead filled with fun  and laughter:

The sooner you get started planning, the less stress you will experience. 

If you are ready to get started organizing yourself, your family, and your holiday checklists, then keep reading:

Start early! Use a holiday card list that is derived from saving names and addresses from holiday cards you have received in previous years.

Create a simple, computerized list that is easy to edit and print onto address labels.

Be sure to stock up on stamps so that when you have your cards signed, stuffed and addressed you can affix a stamp to them and make one, simple trip to the post office.

Better yet, cut down on the cards, stamps and post office run and send e-cards!

There’s nothing like getting a HUGE credit card bill in the mail at the start of the New Year. Many of us want to be generous when shopping for holiday gifts.

While your generosity will be appreciated at gift-giving time, keep in mind that it is very easy to succumb to “impulse buying” and go all out on your holiday shopping.

While your intentions are good, your pocketbook may be singing a different song. Set up a budget and stick to it – your bank account will thank you for it and you will feel less stressed come bill-paying time.

Make a list of people you normally buy for and budget an amount for each. Check them off as you find the perfect gifts. Don’t forget about baked cookies or homemade candy as gifts too.

Save time and shop online! Here are some ideas…

In Conclusion

The holidays don’t need to be perfect OR stressful. Take advantage of the tools and resources at your fingertips and make it easier and more enjoyable!

Wishing you the best for the season. ❣️

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This content was originally published here.