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Old is gold: Some Interesting Resources Every PHP Developer Should Read – WordPress Theme Development Company | Themesmill

Are you an expert in PHP, or perhaps just a newbie trying to figure things out? Regardless of where you’re coming from, not only is there always a lot more to learn about any programming language, quite often there are resources that are simply exceptional to the developer. Hence, it should be consumed by as many people as possible.

Unidentified resources

PHP is such a vast field that it seems that there are a lot of uncovered areas. The resources need to be brought to light for everyone to learn from. Some of those included a list of PHP security libraries, and also some parsing and analysis tools for PHP devs; it’s all about learning the ins and outs!

Today, we’re taking a look at some great articles and tutorials that will help you learn more about PHP as a language. These resources can be used as a tool for building new and amazing things. So, lets get to it.

PHP has evolved so much over the years. Its resources have moved on to provide a lot more viable and usable frameworks for rapid web application development. Therefore, there is a lot to learn from these tutorials, and they’re definitely not for the light-hearted.

There is a variety of articles available on the web that talk about how to properly use bcrypt in PHP. So this time, rather than writing yet-another-how-to-use-bcrypt article, the author gets straight to the point about the errors and mistakes when it comes to using BCrypt in your projects.

Resources related to development security are essential. They are one of the things you will encounter a lot of the time are specifically Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) attacks, learn how to overcome them and prepare for them whatever the project it is that you’re working on.

4. Use Env

To make story even shorter, making env a permanent resource will guarantee that the script will always find the PHP folder/path on your server, can come in handy for bigger projects that are spread amongst many servers.

Composer is something special in the world of PHP. It has changed the way we handle application dependencies, and quelled the tears of many PHP developers. So, in this tutorial you’re getting a high-quality primer from one of the leading minds in PHP development, though mostly Laravel focused.

This content was originally published here.