How to find your brand voice - Zib Digital | Australia's Leading Digital Marketing Agency

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How to find your brand voice – Zib Digital | Australia’s Leading Digital Marketing Agency

Having a distinct voice is one of the most powerful assets a brand can have, yet so many brands these days sound the same. So many marketers are focused on how a brand looks visually that they overlook how it sounds, when in reality, the two are just as important as one another.

Why does tone of voice matter?

Tone of voice humanises your brand, creates a consistent brand image and enhances the customer experience by driving community and conversation. It helps to think of your brand’s voice as its personality. This personality is applied to everywhere your brand speaks, from social media posts to ads, website content and official communications and everything in between. As the digital landscape is so crowded, you can only stand out by creating a consistent and unique brand presence.

So, how do you create a fresh brand voice? Let’s explore

Imagine your brand as an actual person

Brands are like people. What makes a person memorable and likeable also works for brands. Asking questions about your brand’s personality such as ‘is he/she funny?’ will help to guide you here. It also helps to have an idea of where he/she is from, age and so on as this will really help you to imagine your brand as a person.

When you are creating a tone of voice list, choose attributes that will give your brand’s voice some real character. Steer clear of attributes such as friendly, optimistic, clear, helpful and genuine – these words really don’t define any brand’s tone of voice because, let’s face it, who on earth would set out to create a brand personality that is rude, pessimistic, unhelpful and fake?

Audit your current voice

Take a look at all of your communications to give you a good overview of what your current voice sounds like. You may find there are inconsistencies, particularly if you have never set out to define your brand’s voice. You should take note of your top – performing content pieces across various channels to identify the voice traits.

Get to know your audience

Explore how your target audience interacts with your brand – how do they speak? List out traits and common vocabulary used by your target audience. Just as you would in real life, you should adapt your communication style to who you are speaking to. Using language that resonates with your target audience will make your brand more appealing to them, as long as you keep it authentic. For example, if your target audience are mostly younger, your tone of voice may be more relaxed and playful, whereas if your core audience is more business – oriented, your brand’s tone of voice should be more serious, objective and informative.

Revisit and revise your brand voice as your company evolves

Creating a brand voice is not a set and forget thing. Your voice and messaging should evolve with your brand and you should analyse how your audience is responding to your communications. It’s a good idea to set benchmarks before and after implementing any changes to help your measure success. Consistent check ins at designated times will also help you to identify if your language needs to evolve to remain relevant and helps to ensure you don’t sound out of touch with current events.

The Zib Digital team can help you create a holistic brand strategy including helping you to nail your brand’s voice. To find out more, get in touch with us today!

This content was originally published here.