Digital Marketing | WordPress Plugins carefully crafted by Themekraft

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Digital Marketing | WordPress Plugins carefully crafted by Themekraft

New start-ups and brands are launched each day. The start-ups and new brands have to compete with companies and their marketing campaigns for years.

For start-ups to taste success is marketing efficiently and more effectively than old businesses. But start-ups have limited budgets which means making the best of limited finances to reach customers and make revenue.

Importance of Digital Marketing for Start-ups

Term start-up means beyond a company getting off the ground. Start-ups are businesses that are technology-oriented and have the potential for high growth. They have struggles, especially in terms of financing- tight budget but superb plan.

Everything is happening in the world of the Internet—new brands boom and then gloom. Competing with long-lasting companies without any proper marketing plan can lead to losses. Businesses need to reach customers. Studies have shown start-ups fail because they did not market their businesses properly.

Digital marketing is a far much affordable, quicker, effective, and efficient way to market. If digital marketing is done in the right way, it can be a huge boon to accelerate business success.

Online marketing often is done much low cost as compared to traditional marketing. Advertising on television and print costs thousands of dollars comparatively; digital marketing may cost a few hundred. For example, a blog can reach thousands of followers and readers. The cost would be of creating articles and servers.

Online marketing allows start-ups to reach new customers and develop and maintain relationships at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional marketing.

So Digital marketing is a must for start-ups:

Inexpensive Customer Research:

Established companies have years of data and research about products, what customers want etc., but start-ups know exactly what their customers want.

Technology will play a huge role in tracking, monitoring, and interpreting buying behavior. Through the latest tech, companies could figure out the products/ services and the demographics that will work best for the business.

With no wastage of millions of dollars on television ads, the start-up can reach the ideal customers interested in the business’s products and services.

Engage Clients:

Communication, engagement, and maintaining a relationship with the client are imminent for any business to succeed. Effective ways to do all that through digital marketing are Twitter campaigns, webinars, social media post-stories, etc. These provide opportunities for client engagement directly.

Digital marketing allows customization and personalization. Businesses and customers can have a personal or one-to-one relationship.

Once the relationship is developed, businesses need minimal efforts to keep the clients.  Social media sites drive traffic to the website. Ecommerce can share new offerings, deals, and discounts through social media.

Using the metric for success

Billions of people use desktops, laptops, mobiles, and tablets devices with internet connections. Widespread access allows consumers to get online to find more about the products, so online marketing is cost-effective and efficient.

Online marketing comes with real-time metrics for start-ups to gauge success from the campaign. You cannot know how many people read your ad in the newspaper, but you immediately know the number of views and interactions on ads with online marketing.

Start-ups can customize the marketing campaign based on location and demographics. The metrics and tools allow online marketers to know more about customers’ buying behavior and grab new opportunities.

Metrics make it easy to know which campaign or offer is better working and useful. You will know which products would be created as per the needs of consumers.

Right Marketing Approach:

A start-up has to plan its digital marketing strategy and tailor-made its approach. Online marketing is an integrated form of marketing that allows advertisements, content, posts, and emails to integrate. You need to plan out in advance. Each technique and tactic needs to be planned ahead to be effective.

Key elements of Digital Marketing:

The start-ups or eCommerce businesses need to start with a professional-looking website, easy to navigate and attractive. Website is where the main business will be conducted. The website can include blogs and content that can boost online visibility and the brand’s awareness.

Limited budget is the main concern for the start-up. Then it is better to utilize or SEO services. SEO drives organic traffic to a website.

The search engines have algorithms and crawlers that scroll through the website and pick keywords. The keywords, meta tags, backlinks, and other metrics use the search engine to decide whether a site is useful for the reader.

Responsive websites, high authority, and more users are ranked high in search engines. Most people click on the first three results in the listing; it is important to appear on top of the results.

Seo services by digital marketing agencies are effective for high SERP. They develop backlinks to the site through other websites, social media, and blogs.

Mobile Optimization a must:

Basic website- a static one was effective years ago. Today a responsive website ranks better on search engines. Easy to read and navigate on any device.

Current users are interacting with eCommerce from laptops, mobile, and tablets. So start-ups should ensure a mobile optimization strategy. Mobile searches have increased than desktop searches. Mobile-friendly website ranks high in SERP.


SEO still should be considered as important. Though many say, it’s dying because of the constant updating of algorithms by search engines. Yet SEO is the best way for sites to rank better in search engines. Search engines consider SEO to determine its usefulness to readers as long as search engines Search Engine optimization will be prevalent.

Content- A key or king of marketing

Content is the key/ Content is the king is all true. Placing ads in newspapers or television is expensive. In online marketing, content marketing provides an effective and efficient cheap way to market business continuously.

Today consumers want to find out about the product or service before they make any decision. Search information online. Businesses have to turn the quest for information into sales. Content is king to attract clients.

Content can be infographics, podcasts, webinars, blog posts, memes, videos, Gifs, and images. 

Each share on social media delivers free advertising and prospective clients for new start-ups.

Pay Per Click Ads:

Pay-per-click ads were the main way of conducting online marketing years ago. Today this technique has an impact, but now it has to be more promotional than educational.

People now a day’s just ignore advertisements, so ads tend to reach few people. Advice is to have PPC and social networks, share informational content, and concentrate on brand building.

Engaging customers online takes time, and ads are limited. PPC can bring few clients, but it should not only be the source of lead generation. Digital marketers need to integrate a wholesome approach.

Optimization of conversion rate:

Many start-ups have this notion that digital marketing doesn’t work because it does not generate leads. This is a problem because many businesses forget to optimize conversion rates.

Social media posts will get people to your website but not create sales as it has not been optimized.

Optimizing the website with a landing page, call to action buttons, subscription to email, contact form, post buying engagement,  on the site all need to be taken care of. Optimization can be done through a call to action in the article or click to sign up to make the visitors pay clients.

Fight between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing

The main reason to use Digital Marketing is because of the low-cost way it reaches more potential buyers.

Considering the cost of traditional marketing and the cost of making ads for traditional marketing, the cost can be several thousands of dollars depending on business and product.

Start-ups are not able to afford one television ad, and a single ad has limited reach.

Digital marketing offers much at lower cost, and most importantly, it targets right and thus generates more leads.

This allows start-ups to compete with giant companies.

For the start-up, online marketing can include ads:

These marketing techniques are cheaper and more effective as they reach a broader audience and deliver a better return on investment ROI.

Digital Marketing for Start-ups is Must as:

Online marketing has to be done as soon as you start your start-up. Digital Marketing must be part of marketing from the beginning. It must be a core part of start-up business strategy.

For a start-up to become successful, it has to ensure it reaches out to customers, develops new leads constantly, and converts them into sales. Digital Marketing can bring business one step closer to an audience as it increases web presence and builds a start-up into a brand. The more business spreads on the web greater the chances of small businesses becoming an incredible ROI in the industry.

This content was originally published here.