Digital Marketing Reporting & Analytics | Venture Stream

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Digital Marketing Reporting & Analytics | Venture Stream

Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 was introduced in October 2020, but many businesses still know very little about it. Formerly known as “App + Web”, GA4 can be used for website data, app data or both together, meaning you can view all of your analytics in one place. 

Many businesses of all sizes rely on Google Analytics to gain an understanding of customer preferences and ultimately create a better online experience for them. With more and more businesses moving online, insights from analytics tools are more critical than ever. 

Google Analytics 4 brings new, more intelligent analytics that build on the foundation of previous versions. It’s privacy-centric by design, meaning businesses can rely on GA even as industry changes like restrictions on cookies and identifiers come into play. 

Should I use Google Analytics 4?

You may be wondering if Google Analytics 4 is right for your business. GA4 is a powerful tool for providing more relevant data about your website and/app users, more so than the previous Universal Analytics property type. Therefore it’s a great option for any business looking for more accurate and in-depth reporting.

What are the benefits of Google Analytics 4? 

Google Analytics 4 comes with many benefits – but how exactly does it differ from the previous Google Analytics tools? 

Event based tracking

Previously, users were tracked via sessions, which are set periods that encompass everything a user does on your website. GA4 tracks all events a user completes, rather than create a brand new session each time they exit then return. This means less duplication and more emphasis on what users actually do on your site, rather than just focusing on the fact they got there.

Greater customisation ability

With fewer built-in reports, GA4 allows for more customisation, giving you greater freedom over what your reports look like.

Flexible setup

Perhaps one of the most exciting features is the ability to mix data from your apps and website. GA4 allows you to consolidate data and track users between streams. 

With more features expected, now is the time to upgrade to Google Analytics 4, as it will only start tracking from the time of creation. Eventually, GA4 will become the norm, and businesses who don’t embrace it now may fall behind those who do.

Wondering how to upgrade? We’ve put together a simple, step-by-step guide over on our blog. If you’d like a hand getting started, send us a message – we’re more than happy to help.

This content was originally published here.