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BASIC TASKS OF A PHP DEVELOPER WHICH LEADS TO SUCCESS! – WordPress Theme Development Company | Themesmill

What is a PHP Developer?

In simple words PHP Developer is a person who is skilled to develop applications, programs, and websites. The person should use dynamic scripting language termed as PHP. This sounds quite an easy task, right? Sometimes, PHP developers are referred to by more generic titles. For example, “software developer” or “web developer.” However, PHP developers are just a specialized subset of the developer position.

PHP Developer Roles and Responsibilities

PHP developers have to deal with number of tasks. Although, these may sound easy but trust me, they are not! Following is an outline of tasks that a developer should fulfil by using qualities they possess.

Create and Deploy

Create, test and deploy new, innovative website applications in a timely and efficient manner. He or she should concurrently work with other developers to meet data acquisition requirements. Develop plans for keeping the website updated and current at all times, recommend improvements for performance, create and fine-tune style guidelines for the website’s content. Moreover, they should choose the most effective design tools, programming languages, and applications.

Also, developers should provide detailed descriptions of website specifications. These can be product features, budget, programming languages, communication protocols, functionalities, structure, and deadlines.

Resolve technical issues

Identify and fix compatibility issues involving CSS, HTML, and scripting, often between a series of different platforms and browsers.

Application Testing

Test websites on all sorts of browsers (mobile, notebook, tablet), and address issues identified by customer feedback.

Explore for innovation

Research and explore various architectural considerations relating to the system design process, including web usability, the website’s performance, and database design. Moreover, a developer should explore and assess different alternatives. In addition, implementing new application features is also crucial.

Good communication is the driving force for success. Therefore,  developers should communicate with and work alongside other development teams and company management. Thus, to solve conflicts, establish priorities, select the best solutions, or develop criteria for new content communication is imporatant.

Stay Updated!

Keep up with the latest programming practices and web technologies via reading, continuing education opportunities, and participating in relevant professional workshops, groups, and conferences.

These responsibilities may vary from business to business, depending on things like staff size. A small company may hire a PHP developer to handle anything programming related. However, a larger organization may have a full IT/programming department.

This content was originally published here.